A warm welcome to all our members new and existing.
Past Events
Our secretary Sandra writes the following:
Hayling Island Meet
On the 24th of June 2O23 another beautiful day dawned, sunny but with a prevailing breeze it stayed cool for our cavaliers to enjoy. This made is perfect for a beach walk and the tide was far enough out so that the dogs had plenty of room to run around and have fun. There were the usual mad swimmers who were kept busy by Rosie Kelly’s husband – Brian who was chief twig thrower. Puppy Xena (Louise Riddiough’s new baby) was loving being with all the gown ups. But the event was not without its drama when the lovely honorary cavalier Jinny decided that a fisherman’s float & hook was a very enticing ball and ended up with a fishing hook caught inside her mouth. Thanks to our amazing Vet – Professor Clare Rusbridge, one very distraught fisherman & a very brave Ginny the offending hook was finally extracted. Poor Ginny would have a sore mouth for a couple of days, but she was still able to eat some of Archie’s birthday biscuit!
After the walk we all went to the Ferryboat Inn and had a delicious lunch, letting the dogs have a well-earned rest. We celebrated Christine Hargy’s Archie whose birthday was two days later. He thoroughly enjoyed his birthday treats. After lunch a few of us had another walk along the beach to walk off our lunch and after a brilliant day we all headed home with very tired but happy dogs.
Mini Meet West Wittering
Well, what can I say! After looking at the weather forecast 1O days before Saturday 5th August looked like being a dry sunny day. How wrong we were, it dawned wet and very wind, but a few of us hardy souls made our way to the venue (the fact we had pre-paid our parking helped -lol).
We headed off on the East Head inland side and the wind was not so harsh, by the time we got round the headland to walk back along the main beach the sun started to poke its head out. Our cavaliers were not at all fazed by the wind or rain and all through enjoyed going in and out of the sea. We ended up back at the car park and as it was virtually empty, we had anarea all to ourselves and sat out with our respective picnics and treats for our dogs. Afterwards we went for another beach walk until we saw a very ominous black cloud coming our way, by the time we got back to the cars the rain had started coming down, and then once we were safely inside the storm broke! However, we had a great time and went home with tired but happy cavaliers and owners.
Committee member Christine writes the following:
July 7-9 saw our annual Copt Oak weekend take place, this year also including the AGM. During the course of the weekend old and new members arrived with tents, camper vans and caravans or booked into local hotels for one or two nights looking forward to what the weekend had to offer, and they weren’t disappointed. Saturday had an exciting games morning which is always fun and very noisy as everyone, and their dogs want to win! Even if it involves a bit of cheating!
As well as the AGM, at which there was a presentation to Kate to thank her for her many years as chairman of the club, Saturday was fancy dress day. The theme was the coronation and there were many royal looking entries! Tanya had set up the Cavalier Matters stall and after lunch gave a very informative talk on DM in cavaliers, having had first hand experience of this terrible condition. Early evening was quiz night, which was very competitive, followed by fish and chips.
On Sunday it was dog show day with lots of fun classes. It was well judged so that everyone succeeded in winning a rosette and going home with a goody bag of treats. After a cream tea we went outside to have a go at temptation alley. Some dogs are so easily tempted! All too soon it was time to clear up and say our goodbyes. It’s a great weekend to socialise and have fun both for us and our dogs. The weekend also raised f115 through the raffle for Cavalier Matters. Look out for the date of next year’s event and put it in your diary!!

Fancy Dress Winner Miss Zsa Zsa
Member Stories
Companion club members Miss Zsa Zsa, Ziggy Bear, Clara, Autumn, Amber, Dylan and Cherie were hounded by the pawparazzi when they attended a live screening of the Coronation of King Charles III at the Royal Sandringham Estate in Norfolk. The press couldn’t get enough of the doggies who were dressed in outfits and bandanas for the occasion. Along with their humans, Amanda & David Knight, Andy & Maggie Coffey- Smith and Jackie Mccormack, they were interviewed by ITV and the BBC! Everyone had a really lovely day, ending with Ziggy Bear’s howling rendition of “Dog save the King’.
Barking Bugle Repawters, Miss Zsa Zsa & Ziggy Bear were once again in charge of organising the annual Hunstanton Fun Dog Show in Norfolk. The show is open to all breeds of dogs but each year there is a high number of Cavaliers attending so a special pre-show class has been added especially for them. This year the class had a Coronation theme with the winner being crowned ‘The Canine King Charles’. This was won by Sandra Collins’ tri-Nala.
Save the Date
Southern Christmas Party is booked for November 26th Lyne Village Hall, Lyne Lane, Chertsey KT16 OAN
Our next summer weekend is booked for the 26th-28th July 2O24 at the Copt Oak Memorial Hall
Cavalier Health
Cavalier Matters patron and Companion Club honorary member Prof Clare Rusbridge has created a You Tube channel. There are some very helpful and informative videos to take a look at:
A serious new genetic disorder has been found in the CKCS called Medium-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency. MCADD Please visit the Cavalier Matters website for more information on the condition and symptoms to be aware of: www.cavaliermatters.org/mcadd
Club Website
Our website is currently undergoing some updating, if any members have any ideas of how we can improve or information that is missing please do get in touch to let us know.
In Our Thoughts
For our members that don’t get to see our Facebook page, there have been a few members whom have recently said goodbye to their companions and 1 wanted to share the beautiful pictures that were posted.

Esther’s Beautiful Girl, Riva

Lisa’s Gorgeous Girl, Kerri

Tracey’s Handsome Boy, Billy
Final Note
As a committee we meet 4 times a year and we are always open to suggestions and/or questions for discussion by our members, please send these to secretary@nullcompanioncavalierclub.co.uk
We are always looking for reasons to celebrate with our members and member stories for the Newsletters so please do get in touch if you have a story to share. From milestone birthdays to training successes, obituary or great achievements we want to hear from you! Email our editor with any pictures on ruby-charliefund@nullhotmail.co.uk